24th Annual Dairy Ingredient Technical Symposium Showcasing Research that Advances the Dairy Industry
Where Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort
633 East Cabrillo Boulevard Santa Barbara , CA
Show on map Event Info Register by March 10 to meet us in Santa Barbara!
Event Info This two-day symposium is designed for both industry and academic researchers, marketers, product developers, and manufacturers.
The latest technological developments, tailored dairy ingredients, dairy industry trends, market opportunities, and new opportunities for dairy businesses will be featured at this event.
Event Info A special thanks to our planning committee for the 24th annual Dairy Ingredient Technical Symposium:
Milena Corredig, Aarhus University Iswandi Jarto, Hilmar Cheese Rohit Kapoor, National Dairy Council Dan Meyer, Milk Specialties Global Minto Michael, Washington State University Anand Rao, Agropur Venkat Sunkesula, Idaho Milk Products Haotian Zheng, North Carolina State University KJ Burrington, ADPI
Event Info Exhibitors Exhibitors Membrane System Specialists, Inc. Membrane System Specialists, Inc. bioMerieux Inc. bioMerieux Inc.
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